In Memory

Holly Joanne Holkesvick (Manson)

Holly Joanne Holkesvick (Manson)

Holly died on January 22, 2020 from an aneurysm she suffered in October. She then encounted e-coli and C-diff. She was surroungded by her loved ones upon her passing.

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01/30/20 01:40 AM #1    

Emelina(Amee) Pineda (Foster)

this is my second try.  I remember you well, Holly.  what a nice person you are.  i can only hope that you had a rich and wonderful life while you were with us.  Still, it makes me sad to hear of your passing.  i did not keep in touch with anyone after high school but i remeber your sweet, shy smile and how genuine you were to me.  thank you. RIP sweet lady.

01/30/20 01:29 PM #2    

Kathie Steele (Rubenson)

I, too, remember how open and friendly Holly was in high school.  I never heard her say anything deragatory--always a smile and a positive attitude.  I am sorry to hear that her life was cut too short!

01/30/20 02:05 PM #3    

Anne Terrell (Richard)

Holly was one of a kind. We grew up together. Our family moved into the same housing tract  when we were 3 years old. She had this way about her of knowing just what to say and when to say it...She was always so kind and thoughtful..It was always my pleasure to see and hear from her. I know it was her time. But I wish I had more time with her....

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