Pizza Run
Posted Wednesday, September 16, 2015 06:38 PM

One night when wintering in Hollywood,  me and the roomies were getting ready to put it to bed. Our room  was on the south west side of the bldg. in the circle. We suddenly heard some terrible yelling and screaming out back so we all went down to see what was happening.

   We went to the fence and there was a guy hanging from the top of the fence by his hand.  I don't  remember who it was, but Malish or Lautenslager seem to ring a bell. We ran up to him and saw he was stuck on the top of spike tops of the chain link fence.  A few of us lifted him up and unhooked his pierced thumb and then brought him down again.  He was beginning a pizza run to the parlor out on Hollywood blvd but got hooked instead.  He didn't get the pizza that night, just a trip to the infirmary.

Word to the wise.....if you are going covert for ice cream or pizza,  you might want to wear gloves.
