River Rat Forum


Forum: Things done at RMA that got us in trouble


Bull Ring

Created on: 06/02/12 06:05 PM Views: 193 Replies: 1
Bull Ring
Posted Saturday, June 2, 2012 06:05 PM

I had the great experience of walking off 5 hours one Saturday my Freshman Year. I got 40 demerits from Capt. McGeachie for "Fighting without permission". Had a little dispute with my roommate. Decided I did not want any part of Col. May's Bull Ring.



RE: Bull Ring
Posted Saturday, June 2, 2012 09:58 PM

My first and only Bull Ring experience, in my 2 yrs at RMA, was courtesy of Capt. Kalb.  My first year I was in 'A' Company, down in West Barracks.  My roommate was a PG named Sorenson.   Capt. Kalb's apartment was located down there and at night, various members of "A" would very loudly scream "CRAB", which was Kalb's nickname amoung cadets.   Sorenson was a regular at this and one night, since I thought it would be fun and at Sorenson's urging, I did it.  So, like a dumba$$, I opened the window of our room and shouted CRAB as loud as I could around 11 PM.  As I closed the window,  some movement caught my eye...it was Kalb, standing right under our window!    I got his infamous "Mr. White, that will be a 1, 2, 3 whatever the violation was...and that put me on the 'ring'.   The 'ring' didn't teach me to behave but it did teach me not to get caught again! blush