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Forum: Things done at RMA that got us in trouble


Capt. McGeachie's ice cream.

Created on: 11/13/12 01:24 PM Views: 171 Replies: 2
Capt. McGeachie's ice cream.
Posted Tuesday, November 13, 2012 01:24 PM

I was the hall commander in the Annex under the Capt McGeachie.  My room was directly across from his, and I learned his schedule for making raids with Capt Tucker on the Dairy Queen to catch those who dare make an ice cream run. I also knew what night he and Capt. Tucker went to the Elk's Lodge. Well it was Elk's Lodge night and a safe run for ice cream. I thought it would be funny to get an extra banana split for him. When they were delivered, I ate mine and set the other in front of his door. When he got back, he found it and got busy eating his unexpected treat. Next day after room inspection, he told me that someone had made an ice cream run and had accidentally put a banana split in front of his door. He thought it was hilarious. So did I. But I couldn't tell him that I put it there.    

Capt. McGeachie's ice cream.
Posted Thursday, March 7, 2013 05:45 PM

Barney, I made one ice cream run, with Bernie Coalson, I believe.  Maybe that was the night.  Do you remember when we gave the young fellow from Detroit a Bab-O bath?  You were a pretty good Platoon LT.  Freddy Newton was downright mean.  Cold mornings, and he loved to flick your ears with his fingers during formation.  Jeff.

Edited 03/07/13 05:46 PM
RE: Capt. McGeachie's ice cream.
Posted Saturday, March 9, 2013 12:18 PM

Jeff, I don't recall who made the ice cream run. I always enjoyed them even though I never made the trip. I recall the instructional bath that guy got. Seemed to have had a positive effect.