In Memory

Barb Hund (Utech) VIEW PROFILE

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01/23/15 11:00 AM #1    

Susan Norris (Hicks)

I was a long time finding out about Barb's death.  She was a close friend who was very special. I am so sorry I didn't stay in better contact with her.

01/24/15 05:00 PM #2    

Agnes Cozad (Smith)

Godbye Barb. You was a good friend. R.I.P.

01/26/15 02:33 PM #3    

Jerry Shea

I read Susan's post this weekend and I recalled Barb as I knew her, smart, optimistic, friendly and athletic. She had time for others and did not just move in a clique. I am sure she made someone's life beautiful in her time among us  js


11/29/15 10:51 AM #4    

Joan Reveles (Vilaro)

I just became a member and scrolling thru the "in memorial" was very shocked to see Barbara Hund's name.  She was a childhood friend from St. Joseph's and Lombard schools...why we even attended the same church St. Patrick's Church...our other connection was our birthday's...she was a Lincoln girl (Feb. 12) and I was the Washington girl (Feb. 22) RIP Barb from an old friend ... Joan Reveles Portillo Vilaro

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