In Memory

Bob Janowitz

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08/28/12 01:29 AM #1    

Michael Anderson

Bob Janowitz was a great guy! He was a non-stop "wise cracker" guaranteed to liven up any ongoing conversation wether invited or not.

We were on the fencing team together and both "Football Team Managers" which,  in retrospect, was nowhere near as "cool"  as actually being on the team. We were in charge of fetching water, taping up sprained ankles and putting away the smelly uniforms.

Bob was smart and a dedicated student. He aspired to be a dentist and would have been an excellent one.

Robert L Janowitz was an officer in the US Army and died in September, 1968 in South Vietnam. He, along with classmates Richie Long and Darren Higdon all paid the ultimate sacrifice. 

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