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05/30/08 11:44 PM #1    

J. T. Davis

Welcome to the Glenpool High School Class Of 1989 forums. Please press "Post Response" to participate in the discussion.

06/09/08 01:53 PM #2    

James Bullard

Possible location for reunion family fun just opened after extensive remodel.

06/10/08 10:12 AM #3    

Stephanie Skeeter (Back)

Hey James!
I went to the website and it looks like they've done a good renovation and I work close so I'll probably stop by after their grand opening and check it out. I think it's a good suggestion for family fun and us adults too.=)


06/30/08 12:51 PM #4    

Melissa Jones (Marshall)

what do you think about having it at one of the casinos? Lots of variety to entertain everyone. Could also do a family get together somewhere as well...introduce all the kids.

07/01/08 11:48 AM #5    

J. T. Davis


The meeting this last weekend hammered out some ideas on dates, locations, schedules, etc. looking a year out. A few of these have been incorporated into the 'Reunion Survey' in the links to the left. Cost and dates will be decided by the masses. The locations are tentative, depending on the cost for each site. Five Oaks Lodge is also being considered - again, it all boils down to $$$.

The schedule will likely include a happy hour on Friday (no charge) at a local establishment (bar, casino, etc.), a family event on Saturday (possible school tour, picnic), the REUNION on Saturday evening, and a breakfast on Sunday morning (LATE!).

I, personally, would love to have an afterhours event but we need a location. An open field might suit our group best since we were kicked out of our 10-year locale. I had a great time at the last one but didn't have near enough time to talk with everyone. Anyone know of or have some land for such an event (tent(s), coolers, lighting/bon fire)? Can I get a hallelujah?

Any input will be taken into consideration via this message board and emails.

Keep the comments and ideas coming!

07/03/08 12:01 AM #6    

Christy Thrasher

Hey guys, I think an activity like a float trip would be a lot of fun. I don't know how safe it is for kids regarding idiots flashing body parts or drinking. But it would be a lot of fun. I know Big Splash would be pretty safe for the kiddo's if we wanted something safer. We may be able to get some group rates. I know, dumb idea. Just a thought, especially if we do this in the summer. There is also a place down on 71 street and 33rd west avenue that is a camp. They have lakes and picnic areas. It is pretty. The only thing is, there is no alcohol allowed. I know that may hurt some feelings. Just an idea. A barn dance would be a lot of fun if someone can come up with one. That would be great for a fall idea.

The problem with Tulsa is, there still isn't much to do around here.

07/05/08 10:59 AM #7    

Scott Green

Hey here is a thought how about Chad's Corner.

07/11/08 01:53 PM #8    

Christy Thrasher

There are places indoor/outdoor at our surrounding lakes to have a get-together. That may be a good idea. I have a friend and that is where they have all their reunions. She says it's a blast.

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