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04/27/09 11:10 AM #34    

J. T. Davis

Make sure you get signed up via the web site. This will give us a head count to work from for food/drinks.

46 days to go!

06/04/09 03:43 PM #35    

J. T. Davis

Happy Birtday, Tina!

06/08/09 01:03 PM #36    

James Bullard

Mr. Reese. He was cool.

06/08/09 05:07 PM #37    

J. T. Davis


It was Mr. Reese. I still have bad dreams about his grasp on the English language. However, I do remember a sanctioned paper-wad fight in one of his classes. It ended quite abruptly when Ms. Travers entered the room to investigate the commotion.

Stay tuned for tommorow's question...

06/09/09 04:16 PM #38    

Michelle Pettit (Camadeca)

Was it Rochester?

06/09/09 04:52 PM #39    

J. T. Davis


It was Rochester. I seem to remember either Darrell Shepard or Tony Smith carefully placing the chalk under the wheel. How it kept in place while she was sitting down is still a mystery. Then....BOOM! It was a great way to start the day! I saw the fall and heard laughter at the other end of the building (4 or 5 classrooms down).


Stay tuned for tommorow's question...

06/10/09 10:06 PM #40    

Partresia (Chunkie) Harry (Chadwick)

It wasn't me.. or was it.

06/11/09 08:42 AM #41    

J. T. Davis winner for Question #3...

It was Larry Peacock. Poor Larry went down during some heavy Shakespeare-ian prose and never regained consciousness. He awoke to a whole new class (not his) and a nice 'drool pool' on his desk.

I'm one to talk. I did the same thing during the reading for Julius Caesar in Williams class...minus the sleeping through classes.

Good times!

Stay tuned for tommorow's question...

06/11/09 09:03 AM #42    

Michelle Shanks (Fuller)

Was it Cathy McGuirk

06/11/09 09:38 AM #43    

Melissa Jones (Marshall)

I agree with Michelle..It was Cathy McGuirk

06/11/09 10:38 AM #44    

J. T. Davis


It was McGuirk. Unfortunately, I have no good stories about this fine machine. She didn't have any major wrecks (no running through Taylor's or privacy fences near the school), no speeding tickets (me on the way to Pizza Hut for week after getting my Mustang), and it stayed on the road unlike some of our other rides that died in various parts of 'Big G'. However, I do seem to remember Mr. Rice giving her a hard time about the car...among other things. Ya had to love him, right?

Next up - BONUS question...

06/11/09 11:06 AM #45    

Michelle Shanks (Fuller)

Hair - Chris Giboney

Guys - One of them is David?? and Brian Medena??

06/11/09 11:12 AM #46    

Cheryl Carter (Harvey)

Robert jenkins?

06/11/09 12:01 PM #47    

J. T. Davis

Hair, yes...Giboney.

Faces, yes...but David WHO?

06/11/09 12:05 PM #48    

Leslie Mayes (Vickrey)

I'm with Michelle on this one Chris Giboney, Brian Medina and not really sure on the last one...was his name David?

06/11/09 03:38 PM #49    

James Bullard

David Rice

06/11/09 09:57 PM #50    

J. T. Davis


06/15/09 03:52 PM #51    

J. T. Davis

Please let me know if you have pics to share and I'll get them up on the site.

We had a great time!

06/16/09 03:27 PM #52    

Jana Vinson (Ward)

A great big hug and thanks to JT, Christie, Trina, and Steph for all of your hard work on the reunion! U all are amazing! Let's not wait another 5-10 years to get together and share some good times. I miss you guys and need to keep in touch a little better. I was happy to see everyone that was there Friday night and so sorry I had to miss Saturday's big event.

06/21/09 02:55 PM #53    

Holly Harris (Sanderson)

Thank you so very much Ashley, Christi, Christy B., E.T., J.T., James B., Joey, Kathy T., Michelle S., Skeeter, Teresa, & Trina for making our reunion weekend such a blast!!! All your hard work is greatly appreciated!!!;)

06/21/09 02:56 PM #54    

Holly Harris (Sanderson)


08/05/09 04:49 PM #55    

Holly Harris (Sanderson)


08/20/09 10:29 AM #56    

J. T. Davis

Who's heading out to the BIG (I'm talking about hair) Def Lep show on Saturday at the BOK? Christi and I will be in Sec 321. Pre/post-show at Arnie's?

08/24/09 01:38 PM #57    

J. T. Davis

Christi and I partied like it was 1989 this last weekend with Cheap Trick/Poison/Def Leppard. We talked about who we thought we might run into at the show - ending up sitting next to Lisa Razo.

11/23/09 05:16 PM #58    

J. T. Davis

Rhonda Johnson

Christi and I heard this morning during our son's pre-K program that Rhonda passed over the weekend. Please keep her family in your thoughts and prayers.

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