In Memory

Maria Lanon

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10/13/09 02:21 PM #1    

Graham Gregory

Maria passed away in PA with her family and she died from her cystic fibrosis, I think it is called. If I remember correctly she lived it for a very long time but it took her a few years ago. Maria (as I called her...everybody called her Ria) and I were very good friends for a while. I wish I never lost contact with her! We talked and emailed back and forth while I was stationed in England and Spain...I tried to make it over to her house when she still lived in Gloucester. I wish we had gotten to hang out more after High School. I miss you Maria!!!

01/12/10 09:31 PM #2    

Katrina Lewis

I saw Ria a week before she passed away at Peabody's in VA Beach. All the years that I knew her, I never knew that she had cystic fibrosis. It didn't stop her. Every now and then you would hear her cough or see her in the clinic, but she cheered, she danced, sang, and enjoyed life. We danced the night away that night. I'll remember that night forever. She will be missed, but her fight will live on. Support a cure for cystic fibrosi--In Memory of Ria!

01/13/10 07:38 AM #3    

Sheena Miniger

I'm am so shocked to hear about Ria as I called her. We rode the same bus to school for years until high school. I remember going to her house once for her birthday party. We all had a great time. I may not have been close to Ria but she was a sweet person and she will be missed.

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