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This website is for you and it's FREE! Simply click on Contact Us or FAQ’s at the left to find out how to register.  As a member you may send and receive messages, so be sure to go to the Check Messages page. Then, take a stroll down memory lane by viewing the photo page and feel free to participate in our class Message Forum. Please be sure to keep checking back for updates and new postings and let others know about our site too!   

**Keep in mind that this website is private. Your name is listed because you were a part of our class. Nobody can view any information about you unless they also register. And once you do create a profile, you have options as to which information is seen by others. Some people do not like networking sites because they are too public. This is not like that. It's similar to the Classmates website except you never have to pay a fee to contact old friends. 






Hello just wanted to say hi to everyone . - Charles Searing


Know the email address of a missing Classmate? Click here to contact them!


Percentage of Joined Classmates: 55.1%

A:   125   Joined
B:   102   Not Joined
(totals do not include deceased)
