In Memory

Andrew Russoli


Andrew David Russoli

July 20, 1984 - October 20, 2005

Andrew Russoli IN UNIFORM

"The experience I went through made me thankful for a lot of things. I am thankful for a warm home, a loving family, a church that gives me unconditional support and love, friends who stick by my side no matter what the problem, and the power of God. I am sure I would not be standing here today if it had not been for all of you constantly praying for me when I was in harm's way.

Obvisiously I am thankful to be living...still. I cannot count on two hands how many times I said to myself "there is no way that I should be still living right now." There were many times when we would be running into a fight or being blown up when I thought to myself "this is it." And then I would look to the marine to my right and to my left and we would all say "so lets go out in a blaze of fire and see who's coming with us!"

It is said "evil only prevails when good men do nothing."I am thankful for those good men who did do something, who never quit, who gave it their all. I am thankful to be an American."

Andrew Russoli on "My Time in Iraq", November 21, 2004

Andrew Russoli with his Mom

"We should always remember those who have served our country well, especially those who were dear to our hearts. Though I never knew Andrew personally, somehow I believe we were connected. My son too served in Iraq and I prayed for his return constantly. To the family, I am praying with you and for your peace. To his siblings (if any), I am praying for strength in this difficult time and to always remember that Andrew will always be our hero. We will never forget those who have given so much. “No greater love than this; than a man to lay down his life for his friends”. We won’t forget"- CPL Joe Pass, Guilford County Deputy Sheriff and Resource Officer, NWHS

Photos from memorial program for Andrew Russoli

More photos from memorial program for Andrew Russoli

Andrew Russoli Senior Picture @ NWHS

"Andrew, thank you for being a "good man who did something!"

We are proud of you! We will not forget you!

