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•   Dr. James Brooks (1971)  1/6
•   Bill Baker (1971)  12/8
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•   Cathy Britt (Lee) (1970)  10/18
•   Chester Hunter (Hunter) (1970)  8/1
•   Robert (Bob) Marcus (1971)  7/2
•   Kirby E Elmore (Elmore) (1971)  4/17
•   Je'lesia Maria Jones (1970)  3/15
•   Robert Wylie  11/26
•   Ruchell McGarrh (Phillips) (1970)  5/18
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Jim Walcott Jr.
SEPTEMBER 16, 1953 – MAY 7, 2023
Obituary of Jim Walcott Jr.
Edwards Funeral Home
Jim Walcott was born on Sept. 16, 1953, to Annis and James Walcott in Greenville, Miss. Jim’s parents instilled in him the value of faith, family, friends, and a job with some fun along the way. He died May 7 in his Fort Smith home after a long battle with cancer.

He is survived by Jane, his wife of 42 years, daughter Jennifer Goldstein (Ian) of Denver, and son Dexter (Cora Currier) of Los Angeles, and three grandsons, Noah, Max, and Chama. He also is survived by sister Annis Cox (Bill) of Columbus, Miss., and brother Mac (Gina) of Fairhope, Ala.

Jim adored his wonderful extended family and felt blessed to have numerous friends who never failed to help him. The lifesaving contact with those in the 12 Step Recovery Program was a gift of God’s Amazing Grace. Jim learned to make the most of what he had from his family and friends, church community, and others who, in his words, “aided his joyous trudge through life.”

Jim knew that a family is more than images of life and love: It is people and places and generations of hope born of struggle and sacrifice that seed tomorrow. He believed that family is a gift from the hearts of generations past and an obligation to generations forward. To be sure, he strongly believed that community and business leadership should be a wholly selfless exercise with the focus on benefiting future generations.

Following the sale of Sparks Health System in 2009, Jim is credited with challenging fellow Degen Foundation members to not “nibble around the edges” and instead do something to “move the needle.” That push helped create what is now the Fort Smith-based Arkansas Colleges of Health Education (ACHE). The colleges in the system now employ more than 200 staff and faculty, have more than 700 students on campus, a number that is expected to grow to 1,000 within a few years. The colleges and other programs are generating $600 million in annual economic impact for the region.

Jim earned a bachelor’s degree in civil engineering from the University of Mississippi, and was a member and officer of Sigma Alpha Epsilon. After graduation in 1975, he was employed by the U.S. Naval Oceanographic Office. His career at Fort Smith-based Weldon, Williams and Lick Inc. began in 1977, and he would eventually become CEO and chairman. Jim was grateful for the time he spent working with WW&L customers and the great people who he worked for and with at the company. Again, he believed a career was more than just a job, and often noted, “where our work is, there let our joy be.”

In addition to travel and being with family, Jim liked to read, noting that his range was between “deep dives into history,” and “cheap shoot’em up spy thrillers."

He served as a board member/officer of the Fort Smith Girls Club, Harbor House Inc., Manufacturing Executive Association, Partners in Education, Westark Workforce Leadership, Young Printing Presidents Organization, United Way of Fort Smith, Fort Smith Regional Chamber of Commerce, Associated Industries of Arkansas, Community Rescue Mission, Sparks Health System, University of Arkansas at Fort Smith Foundation, Harbor House Foundation Inc., University of Arkansas at Fort Smith Family Enterprise Center Peer Group 1, Fort Smith Regional Council, St. John’s Episcopal Church Vestry, Degen Foundation, Bruce Rogers Inc., and First National Bank.

Jim’s family are grateful for the loving support of Christa, Amanda, Doris, and all the good people at Heart of Hospice. Nurses Heather and Margaret were instrumental in preserving Jim’s quality of life over his last years. The family is thankful to all the health workers from whom Jim received care during his life.

A memorial celebration of Jim’s life will be held 10 a.m., Friday, May 12, at St. John’s Episcopal Church, 215 N. 6th St., Fort Smith.

In lieu of flowers, memorials may be given to St. John’s Sack Lunch program, Harbor House Inc. Building Renovation and Maintenance, or UAFS Foundation. In keeping with Jim’s ongoing efforts to help others and improve the community he has donated his body to the ACHE Anatomical Program.

Was just informed that Jimmy Sides passed away earlier today - he has been sick for some time, but lately had gotten worse - please be prayerful for his family πŸ™πŸΌπŸ™πŸΌπŸ™πŸΌ, especially his wife, Sandra,

I hate to be the bearer of bad news but I wanted to let everyone know we recently lost two GHS Hornets. Pat Williams (Class of 69) passed away on October 30, 2022 after fighting a battle with cancer. I also just learned Cecil McBroom passed away Saturday November 12, 2022 from cancer. Both Pat and Cecil played football at GHS. May they both rest in peace.  From Alan Johnson

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Greenville, MS Classes of 70-71 50th Reunion

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George Sherman  2/19
Sidney Woolf (1970)  2/29
Bill Watts (1970)  3/10