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Beth Abel (Jones) (1971)
Ellen Adams (Kimes) (1971)
Andy Alexander (1971)
Charlotte Alexander (Walker) (1971)
Jane Allen (Calhoun) (1971)
Janis Allen (Barnes) (1971)
John Archer (1970)
Ralph Augimeri /Mc… (1970)
Bill Baker (1971)
Docia Baker (England) (1971)
James Baker, Jr. (1970)
Joey Baker, Jr. (1970)
Cleve Barham (1970)
Joel Barnes (1971)
Mariamne Barnes (Young) (1971)
Reginald Paul Barnes (1970)
Kay Barnett (Henson) (1970)
Beverly Bean (Brimer) (1970)
Bill Beckwith (1970)
Wayne Bennett (1970)
Janet Berry (1970)
Pam Berry (Miles) (1970)
Brenda Black (Cole) (1970)
Steve Blasingame (1970)
Charlotte Blaylock (T…) (1970)
Jo Blundell (Rhett) (1970)
Mike Bostic (1971)
Janice Box (Franklin) (1970)
Kathy Boyett (Day) (1971)
Henry Bradshaw (1970)
Charlie Brantley (1970)
Ruth Ann Brent (Striebeck) (1971)
Dianne Bridges (Irving) (1971)
Donna Bright (Jackson) (1970)
Cathy Britt (Lee) (1970)
Dexter Brooks (1971)
Dr. James Brooks (1971)
Betty Brown (Sewall) (1970)
Bill Brown (1970)
Mike Brown (1971)
Carolyn (Puddin) Buehler (1971)
Barry Burns (1970)
Morris Burns (1970)
Sarah Burns (Rounsaville) (1970)
Barbara Burton (Burns) (1971)
Rita Burton (Ray) (1970)
Neal Carter (1970)
Pete Casavechia (1970)
John Causey (1970)
Becky Cawthon (Heard) (1971)
Davey Keith Childs (1970)
Libby Childs (Woods) (1971)
Luanne Clubb (Key) (1971)
Dottye Cockrell (Hitchcock) (1970)
Linda Coleman (Willia…) (1970)
Robert Coleman (1971)
Tina Coleman (Hughes) (1971)
Denise Condon (Thornton) (1970)
James Creely (Creely) (1970)
Karen Crocker (Lee) (1970)
Dianne Dallriva (Williams) (1970)
R. E. Dawkins (1971)
Sylvia Dees (Sessums) (1970)
John Dempsey (1970)
Margie Dendy (Lott) (1970)
Mike Dill (1970)
Dottie Dodd (Graves) (1970)
Linda Donald (Davis) (1970)
Herman Dotson (1970)
Donna Dreher (Jones) (1970)
Connie Dunn (Lambuth) (1971)
Sissy Eatherly (Schuster) (1970)
Perry England (1971)
Salli Ervin (Long) (1970)
Debbie Etheridge (Waldrop) (1970)
Celia Farr (Wood) (1971)
Kenny Floyd (1970)
Becky Franks (Muirhead) (1971)
Buddy Garrett (1971)
Jimmy Garrett (1970)
Mary Laura Garrett (1970)
Vicki Gary (Jenkins) (1971)
Ann Gaston (Bradshaw) (1970)
Ted Gloppe (1970)
Linda Godwin (Doolittle) (1971)
Debbie Green (Coleman) (1971)
James (Jim) Griffin (1970)
Ronnie Griffin (1970)
Carol Grissett (Taylor) (1971)
Babs Hairston (Williams) (1970)
Judith Lee Hallman (1970)
Anne Hammett (1971)
Allen Hammond (1970)
Jessie Walter Harris (1970)
Jeff Harrison (1970)
George Hazelwood (1971)
Debbie Hemphill (Rushing) (1970)
Janis Henderson (Creekmore) (1971)
Renee Henderson (McRight) (1970)
Edward Hendricks (1970)
Ricky Hester (1970)
Sandra K Hill (Herron) (1970)
Sarah Lynn Howe (Auer…) (1970)
Bobby Howse (1970)
Gary Howse (1971)
George Huggins (1971)
Rodney Huggins (1971)
Stan Humphreys (1971)
Ken Ibsen (1970)
Laurie Ann Jewell (Cummings) (1970)
Brent Johnson (1970)
Kenny Johnson (1970)
Robert Alan Johnson (1970)
Sandra Johnson (Sides) (1971)
Rob Jones (1971)
Ruby Jones (Whitt) (1970)
Connie Kelly (Etheridge) (1970)
Daryl King (Pinkerton) (1970)
Kerry King (Haik) (1971)
Wilson LaFoe (1970)
Marilyn Lance (1970)
Patty Layman (Horton) (1970)
David Lee (1970)
Bobby Long (1970)
Charles Edward Long (1970)
Martha Lott (Williams) (1970)
Bill Maddox (1970)
Chauncey Mahoney (1970)
Debbie Mansker (Smith) (1970)
Suzanne Mansour (McDuffie) (1970)
Barbara Martin (Quick) (1970)
Steve Martin (1970)
Beth Massey (Bridges) (1970)
Cheryl Massey (White) (1971)
Cecil McBroom (1970)
Martha McCullar (Johnston) (1970)
Debby McDonald (Hough) (1970)
Ruchell McGarrh (Phil…) (1970)
Charles W. Merrill (1971)
Raymond Messer (1970)
Robert Wayne Miller (1970)
Patsy Mims (Wallace) (1970)
B B Minton (1970)
David Mitchell (1971)
Hayden Mitchell (1971)
Sandra Kay Mitchell (Chambless) (1970)
Marie Moody (Jenkins) (1970)
Iris Annette Moore (M…) (1971)
Myrna Moore (1970)
Dennis Morgan (1971)
Elizabeth Marie Mosley (H…) (1970)
Sheryl Mosley (Sullivan) (1970)
Edward Moss (1970)
Terri Mote (Burrell) (1970)
Carla Neal (Edwards) (1971)
Bubba Nerren, Jr. (1970)
Huie Lee Newman, Jr. (1970)
Patty Newsom (Morrison) (1970)
Virginia Norwood (Vic…) (1970)
Carol Ann Oursler (Ma…) (1970)
Randy Palmer (1971)
Marry Ann Parks (1970)
Beverly Peacock (Dunlap) (1970)
Troy Pearson (1970)
Peggy Penn (Sparrenberger) (1970)
Frances Permenter (Smith) (1970)
Gail Pittman (Baroni) (1971)
Tommy Pittman (1970)
Donnie Powell (1970)
Peyton Prospere (1970)
John Provenza (1971)
Shirley Pruden (Haymans) (1970)
Grafton "Butch… (1970)
Allen Reynolds (1971)
Karen Robinson (Harrison) (1971)
Sally Rogers (Ibsen) (1970)
Linda Ross (Yarbrough) (1971)
Elam Rusk (1971)
Roy Sanderford (1971)
Kelly Seid (1971)
Charlotte Shannon (Dempsey) (1970)
Ricky Shepherd (1970)
Leo Shriver (1970)
Larry Sievers (1970)
Bonnie Skinner (English) (1971)
Wren Smiley (Dukes) (1971)
Kelly Smith (1971)
Sandra Smith (Barksdale) (1970)
Carol Spears (Irby) (1971)
Rebecca J Staten (Neldon) (1970)
Bob Swanner (1970)
Becky Swarner (Gildart) (1971)
Janice Sweeney (Carter) (1970)
Kathi Taylor (1971)
Walt Taylor (1970)
Margaret Thomas (Cain) (1971)
Bill Thompson (1970)
Genyth Thompson (Warren) (1970)
Mike Tidwell (1970)
Rita Touchstone (Fisher) (1971)
Ike Trotter (1970)
Wanda Turner (Rounsaville) (1970)
Jimmy Walcott (1970)
Don Walker (1970)
Dicky Watson (1970)
Bill Watts (1970)
Ann Weathers (Swain) (1970)
Wanda (Vikki) Wells (1971)
Rachel White (Hardin) (1970)
David Wilson (1970)
Lottie Wilson (1970)
Janet Wingo (Fabick) (1971)
Raymond Wong (1970)
Sidney Woolf (1970)
Della Worbington (1970)
Ron Worbington (1970)