In Memory

Karen Carlson (Holcomb Creely) - Class Of 1970

Karen Carlson (Holcomb Creely)

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04/20/18 09:49 AM #1    

James Creely (Creely) (1970)

For verily love knows not ‘mine’ or ‘thine;’
With separate ‘I’ and ‘thou’ free love has done,
For one is both and both are one in love:
Rich love knows nought of ‘thine that is not mine;’
Both have the strength and both the length thereof,
Both of us, of the love which makes us one.

(exerpt from "I Loved You First" by Christina Rosetti)

Soul mate, partner in everything that is life ... we laughed and cried, celebrated and grieved, sang and kept quiet, but always as one. You are with me forever, like peas and carrots!


04/21/18 05:09 PM #2    

Robert Alan Johnson (1970)

Hey James,

Just wanted to say how sorry I am to hear about Karen passing away.  I know ya'll met and married later in life but I am sure ya'll spent some wonderful time together.  I know she will be missed by you and all of the family.  Take care of yourself ! 

Alan Johnson


04/22/18 07:12 PM #3    

Salli Ervin (Long) (1970)

Prayers and Blessings to all. Salli Ervin Long


04/23/18 12:36 PM #4    

Karen Crocker (Lee) (1970)

This is especially heart breaking to me--my aphabet twin--the two Karen C's--getting things meant for the other Karen.  Wonder if that bad cancer got the wrong Karen C again.  So so sorry to learn of Karen's death--how wonderful yall reconnected at a class reunion in time!



04/24/18 12:59 PM #5    

Brent Johnson (1970)

So sorry, James, praying for you, it's been too long!


04/25/18 07:51 AM #6    

Jim Veal (1970)

Karen was an outstanding Lady. Smart, interesting and fun. Filled with warmth and kindness. It was an honor to have known her. My condolences to you, James, and the rest of the Family.

04/26/18 09:19 AM #7    

Sarah Burns (Rounsaville) (1970)

I remember Karen as a kind, intelligent, strong young person. I am sure that she left her mark on this world. Prayers for comfort for James and the family.

04/26/18 09:25 AM #8    

Linda Coleman (Williamson) (1970)

Dear Sweet James,

I know how gut wrenching this entire ordeal has been for you from our many conversations as you and Karen made this journey together.  I also know you are extremely proud of how Karen endured throughout and how much you will miss her!  God saw fit to take her home where there is no pain or suffering - only joy!  May He continue to Bless and Keep you my friend.  Hope to see you soon!  Hugs!  Lindagail

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