In Memory

Jon Swint - Class Of 1970

Jon Swint

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03/20/15 11:39 AM #1    

Ruby Jones (Whitt) (1970)

So sorry to hear about the loss of a classmate. Thoughts and prayers for his family during this sad time. God be with them and wrap your arms around them. 

03/21/15 08:00 PM #2    

Sarah Lynn Howe (Auerswald) (1970)

So sad to hear of the loss of another classmate. Thoughts and prayers are with John's family and friends.

03/21/15 10:46 PM #3    

Larry Burns (1970)

I remember Jon being a real nice guy. Seems like there was never any trouble associated with him at all. Hard to figure how he stood the rest of us! Later Buddy.

03/22/15 12:26 AM #4    

Valle Dreher (Harrell) (1970)

So very sad. Jon was such a nice boy. Our only reconnection since elementary school was through Facebook. I have fond memories of our childhood. I'm sure his family is devastated over his sudden passing. My prayers are with them. 

03/22/15 01:26 AM #5    

Debbie Hemphill (Rushing) (1970)

So sorry to hear of Jon's passing. He was such a nice person. Prayers going up for his family.

03/26/15 11:11 AM #6    

Edmund Taylor, III (1970)

Shocked to hear about Jon's passing. Over the last few years we had become fast Facebook freinds. He had sent me some very nice, thoughtful messages upon the deaths of family members and warm, sympathetic, encouraging messages concerning my health and health situation. We also enchanged funny e-mails about Ole Miss/ LSU, and I enjoyed his echanges of barbs with his long time freind, Trey Tuminello.

A great guy, Jon will be missed. My condolences to his family and freinds.

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