Linda Bennett Oaks

Profile Updated: February 5, 2010
Residing In: Greenville, TX USA
Spouse/Partner: B.R. Duncan
Occupation: Retired
Children: Jeffrey Warren and Jennifer Warren

William Jeffrey Warren 15
Neal Michael Warren 13
Hannah Rose Kubik 10

Where else have you lived?

Dallas, Tx
Tyler, Tx
Longview, Tx
Plano, Tx
Huntington Beach, Ca
Lakewood, Co
Lubbock, Tx
Houston, Tx

What do you like to do in your spare time?

NY Times Crosswords
Anything with Grandchildren
"Seek knowledge" on computer
"Support staff" for my daughter's research business

Favorite vacation spot?


School Story:

Senior Day-mine and Sally Treadway's costumes-We were Minnehaha. Sally was Minne and I was Haha. Reason-I had Minnie Lee for English and was terrified to walk into her class with Minne on my back. Our outfits were dark green burlap and we wore chicken feathers in our headbands. We were probably the only Indians amongst all the cowboys and girls. Hope some of you remember. Even some of the Jrs. and Sophs. and I talked about it not too long ago.

Do you still see/talk to/hang out with any classmates? Who?

PJ Hollon
Diane Billingslea
David Roberts
Hubert Lytle
Vicki Baker
Sherry Sansing (Sister)

Still have family around Greenville?

Sherry Sansing
Aunt Marie Bennett

What did you always want to do that you haven’t done yet?

Teach English Literature on University level

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Posted: Dec 17, 2013 at 12:42 AM
Don't know how this picture go on my profile. It is a bad picture of all of us. Since it is already there I won't edit it out.
Posted: Dec 17, 2013 at 12:42 AM
This is my son Jeffrey and his wife Dianne and William and Neal. This is their 2009 Christmas photo. Not wonderful of the parents, but is pretty good of boys.
Posted: Dec 17, 2013 at 12:42 AM
This is the old man and me in our church photo. Wish I could report some grand experience during the past year, but it just ain't so. So i'm following directions from John D. and hope all of the rest of you will do the same. No matter how little or much we do, remember....we all are happy to know what is going on with each other.