In Memory

Marc Robison

Cancer took Marc's life.

(please help us write a few words about Marc)

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04/23/08 12:29 PM #1    

Dawn Borradaile (Anderson)

Mark was my neighbor since I was a baby. He was just a nice guy, didn't get into trouble, but had a good sense of humor. I was sick when he passed away. Dawn Borradaile.

04/27/08 11:46 AM #2    

Joe Smart

Marc and I roomed together our freshman year at IU. I think about Marc often, and I still really miss him. He passed away in December of 1998. leaving behind his wife Lori and his son Luke, who I believe was 2 years old at the time. He passed away in a very short amount of time from the moment he was diagnosed, and I never got the chance to say goodbye to Marc. I still regret this strongly to this day.
I really enjoyed all of the good times we had at IU, as well as Greenwood. Marc was such a genuinely nice person all around. Marc was taken from his family so suddenly, but I believe that he will still live on inside of his son Luke, who never got the chance to truly know his Dad. We all miss you Marc...

05/08/08 12:18 AM #3    

Sandra Miller (Harris)

I don't know what to say - I'm shocked. Marc was a friend of mine in middle and high school. Such a sweet guy. I'm not embarrassed at all to say I had a crush on him back then! Wow. I am extremely sorry to hear this, and I will keep his family in my thoughts and prayers.

07/31/08 04:51 PM #4    

Chris Kinsey

It was difficult hearing the news that my childhood friend had been stricken with terminal cancer. 10 years after high school being a pall bearer at his funeral was surreal. It has been several years, but I still think about Marc a lot. After high school we went seperate ways but still stayed in touch. He was one of the nicest guys I have met, a genuine friend. You definitely learn to appreciate people like that. I feel lucky to have known him, and still miss him. Marc left behind a beautiful wife and son, who is now probably close to high school age. Here's to you Marc! '88 forever.

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