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In Memory

George Dzul

George Dzul

George O. Dzul, of San Francisco, died December 1, 2010 at the age of 55. He was a 1984 graduate of DePaul University Law School, in Chicago. He practiced immigration law in California, and was the author of Crossing Years, and Elusions, which won a 1984 Hopwood Literary Award.


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06/07/13 05:48 PM #1    

Mimi (Mary) Werner

George remained a dear friend long past high school years until his death in 2010.  He was one of the few classmates that visited me on a regular basis no matter where I was.  He will be remembered for his sensitivity of the great outdoors, his drive to express himself in the written word, his deep moments of contemplation while sipping a fine glass of red wine, and the wonderful family he created and their life in San Francisco.  He always opened his phone conversations with 'Hi Mims, this is California George'.  I really miss him and dwell in the many fine memories of times we shared together as friends.

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