In Memory

Sharon Mannolini

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03/26/09 07:00 AM #1    

Rachel Dingle (Warnke)

My friend. Sweet and beautiful girl. She loved animals. We used to share the love of Duran Duran back in high school. Would'nt hurt a fly. Tragic she's gone. I will miss her.

06/04/09 10:15 AM #2    

Lisa Kelley

Oh my goodness. I had no idea. Sharon was so sweet and I think of her often.

08/15/09 10:00 PM #3    

Constance Coons (Vassar)

I can remember the day I was notified of Sharon's passing. It hit me like a ton of bricks. The sweetest, non-judging human sad she is gone. Not a day passes that I don't think of her. As I sat in the church the day of her service, I couldn't help but think of all the fun we had...Sharon, Lisa DeFreest, Kim Sickler, Deb Luther, Sue Sullivan, Dawn Armstrong, and I. We love and miss you, Sharon.

12/27/09 07:26 PM #4    

Kerry Game (Engle)

When I was told Sharon passed away it took my breath away. I think about her quite a bit. I will always remember her wearing her furry bear slippers that went up her legs. She never cared about what people thought. She was the kindest person that I had the honored of being friends with. I will miss her dearly.

02/26/10 06:07 PM #5    

Donna-Marie White

Sharon was such a good friend, I was devastated when I heard that she had past away. How could something so tragic happen to such a wonderful person like her. She will be missed dearly by all.

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