In Memory

Gary Hunt

Dr. Gary Hunt passed away in mid-March 2020 in southern Alabama, where he had resided for the last 10-12 years.  

Gary joined the UMUC program in Asia in academic year 1997-98 as a faculty member in communications and business management, but early during the same year, assumed the role of Area Director, Korea. Gary had taken his B.A. and M.S. degrees from California State University, Fullerton. His Ph.D. was from Purdue University in Indiana. Prior to joining Maryland, he had taught at several universities in the States and had served in various senior administrative positions, to include Academic Dean.

Gary served as Area Director Korea into the early 2000s. After leaving the Area Director position, Gary continued to teach with the Asian Division before moving to Alabama. Later, he continued his association with UMUC by teaching occasionally with the European Division.

Gary had been retired for the last several years and during much of that time, had not enjoyed good health. He is survived by his wife, Janeth Hunt. 

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04/16/20 03:53 PM #1    

Charles Brumfield

I was very sorry to hear of Gary's passing.  I did not know him well, but I remember him as an effective Area Director in Korea.  He helped me in several significant ways during my brief assignment in there in the late 1990s..  He seemed to be in good health at the time.  My sympathies go to his family and friends.

04/16/20 05:16 PM #2    

Susan M Sykes

WOW! This is very disheartening to hear. Dr. Hunt was my very first area director in Korea. After experiencing some "horrible bosses," I remember how nice and easy going he was towards me. He and Irene were truly a pleasure to work for. Thank you, Gary. 





04/16/20 06:48 PM #3    

Koo-Sik Shin

It is a great sadness to hear Dr. Hunt's passing. He was Korea Area Director when I started my teaching for the first time in 2000. Actually I had met him when I went to U.S. Yongsan Army base to do a job interview at the UMGC in winter 1999. I remember him as a good and able boss to manage academic and administrative affairs in UMUC Korea Office. He was a very sincere and thoughtful man to consider everything which were so useful for me to start my teaching experiences in the UMUC. Thank you, Dr.Hunt and send my great sympathy to his wife, Ms.Hunt.

05/06/22 10:04 PM #4    

Guy Moyer

Having only fairly recently learned of Gary’s passing, I wish to echo something Charles B. has said here. When I first showed up as though fresh “on Gary’s doorstep” in 1999 (having come there from the UMUC Russian program), I was on the verge of getting married, which would require a trip back to Vladivostok during my first teaching term. Gary and Irene (Chung, his assistant) worked out a situation in which I would make up my missed classes in advance so as to allow me to leave one week early. As the three of us talked about this at the New Sanno in Tokyo during faculty orientation, I then and afterward had the sense I was entering a situation where people knew what they were doing and were doing it well.  Rest in peace, Gary. Best Wishes.    

05/28/24 10:22 AM #5    

Damien Horigan

While I realize that it has been over four years now since Gary passed away, I just wanted to leave a comment here.   

I knew Gary from when I taught in Korea as an adjunct during 2000-2003. He was a kind and gentle person from what I remember of him.   
In 2015, I rejoined UMUC Asia – this time as a full-time faculty member. Ever since I have been teaching in Mainland Japan and Okinawa. Unfortunately, I had lost touch with Gary. So, I didn’t get to tell him that I had become an Overseas Marylander again.   

He is still missed.  


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