In Memory

Patricia Ann Riley (Matross)

Patricia Ann Riley (Matross)

Patricia Ann "Pat" (Riley) Matross

Aug. 3, 1947 – July 22, 2018

Born August 3, 1947 in Butte, Montana, Pat had the opportunity to live all over the world due to her father’s military service. After the passing of her father in 1961, the family returned to Helena where she spent most of her life. She graduated from Helena High School in 1965. Pat always looked forward to celebrating class reunions with her ‘65 class mates. In 1967, while attending the University of Montana in Missoula, she gave birth to her son, Steven Thomas. In 1971, after having moved back to Helena, she married Wayne D. Tisdale. The two of them had two sons, James Bryan, born 1972 and William Cody born 1979. After Wayne and Pat divorced, Pat returned to Helena to take care of her mother before her mother’s death in 1983. Pat married Michael Wilson Matross in 1984 at St. Peter’s Episcopal church in Helena where the two of them have been long time parishioners. Pat was an active member of St. Peter’s, serving as both a reader and a lay Eucharistic minister for many years, though many will remember her greatest service was crocheting baby blankets for the infants baptized at the church. Creating these blankets was one of her great joys and she put love into every stitch. Pat’s faith was an important part of her daily life and she found comfort during her various illnesses through prayer. She was also an active member of various Masonic organizations beginning at a young age, when she was in both the Rainbow Girls and Job’s Daughters. As an adult, she served as the Worthy Matron of the Mountain Star #130 of Eastern Star in Marysville before moving her membership to Miriam Chapter #1 in Helena and she also belonged to Sapphira Temple #79 Daughters of the Nile. Pat worked for many years as a legal secretary for Cannon and Sheehy, as well as, working for the Montana Department of Revenue from which she retired. Despite various illnesses over the years, Pat passed away in peace in her home, with her husband nearby.

Pat is survived by her husband of 33 years, Michael Wilson Matross, their sons Steven Matross, William C. and his husband Britain Riley, as well as their dear family friend Chris and her husband Tony Bussard and their daughter Tena; her brother Gary Parry and his wife Nola, their children Dorian(Ty) Hrubes and their children Aubrey, Parker and Logan and Craig (Morgan) Parry; her brother-in-law Ron (Jean) Matross, their children Daniel (Melissa) Matross and their children Samantha and Cameron; and Robin (Thomas Jr.) Matross-Helms, and their children Helena, Ian, and Emily, as well as countless people she adopted who called Pat Mom or Grandma. She is preceded in death by her father Vincent Joseph Riley, mother Dorothy Anne Riley, son James Bryan Tisdale, brother John Francis “Jack” Riley and sisters-in-law Roberta Jo Riley and Mary Leslie Riley.

Memorial services will be held at St. Peter's Episcopal Cathedral in Helena on Aug. 11, 2018, at 10:30 a.m.
