In Memory

Jasmine Chastain

Survived By: 3 brothers, mother She is the cousin of Stacey Rivera

She is very much missed!! Jasmine had the best personality and though I did not see her much after high school, she will always be one of my best friends. To Jasmine and what she brought to other's lives. You are and will be missed!


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07/15/08 12:15 AM #1    

Dina Rivera (Caballero)

My Cousin Jasmine has always been the wittiest , charming, and most beautiful person inside and out. She did the most incredible things. Me, Jasmine, and Stacy would dress up to the finest and rock the clothes like if we were in some kind of fashion show in school. I had so much fun.. I miss my Jasmine. However, She did the most incredible thing that anyone could do, She gave her life to the Lord Jesus Christ before she passed, which in return she gained eternal life and Now she is with the Most High God. Which I believe is the Best Promotion that any of us has accomplished. She is a strong woman and became a great woman. She now enjoys life in the heavens and is waiting for me, Stacy, and you if you decide to make the choice. God Bless You all. Remember, Life is short, so be sure you know where your going infinitely..
Dina Caballero

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