In Memory

Melissa Harper

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01/16/08 09:29 PM #1    

Halimah Abdin

You will be missed always! You touched so many people's lives. You have always been in my thoughts and I just thank God that I got a chance to know you. You will always be one of my best friends!

01/20/08 10:17 PM #2    

Wendy Shuck (Young)

Every day without you is a challenge, but like Halimah, I appreciate the time I had to get to know you. Thanks for teaching me to never take a day for granted! I'll always remember the times we had together and you will always have a place in my heart!BFF!

03/10/08 02:36 PM #3    

Mary Beth Ashley (Lothridge)

I remember I was the only one who was able to call you "Missy." I have missed you so much and think of you often. You blessed me with your friendship and I am so greatful to have been your friend. What you wrote in your senior will to me has come into light. Thank you for being my friend and I love you.

Mary Beth

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