In Memory

David Mosher

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01/10/11 09:59 AM #1    

Anan Qaddumi

Big Dave, we miss your grace, class and integrity- but not your spirit, which endures in those who had the honor of being your boys.

01/10/11 10:35 AM #2    

Betty Kerr (Hewell)

From the Houston Chronicle: 9/14/87

Three members of a Houston industrialist's family and a Houston pilot were killed when their chartered plane bound for a Colorado ranch crashed in a thunderstorm near Austin.

They were Stephen E. Mosher, 44; wife, Suzanne, 43; their son, David, 20; and Eric Lee Newman, 28.

Stephen Mosher owned The Georgetown Group, a financial planning and consulting business, where his wife worked part-time. David was a student at Auburn University.

Survivors said the plane, a twin-engine Beechcraft Baron 58 rented from Longhorn Aviation here, took off from Andrau Airpark about 9:15 a.m. Saturday, bound for Redcloud Ranch near Gunnison, Colo., for a fishing trip.

Austin police said it smashed into a gravel pit and disintegrated about 11 a.m. during thunderstorms that packed high winds and lightning. "There was not one piece bigger than 3 feet across," an officer said.

The Federal Aviation Administration, Civil Air Patrol and Travis County medical examiner were also investigating the crash.

The Moshers are survived by another son, Edward, 18.

Stephen Mosher also is survived by his father, Mosher Steel Co. President Edward J. Mosher, and mother, Mildred, and a sister, Jean Rowan, all of Houston.

Suzanne Mosher is survived by her father, Dr. Carlton Wolters of Houston; a brother, David "Skip" Wolters of Austin; sister, Carolyn Shepherd of San Francisco; stepmother, Mylla Wolters of Houston; stepsister, Heather Bernheim of New York City; and two stepbrothers, Brooks Peterson of Mariposa, Calif., and Forest Peterson of Houston.

Newman is survived by his wife, Debbie; and parents, Dr. and Mrs. Melvin L. Newman; two brothers, Kris and Jon, and two sisters, Sona and Melissa Newman, all of Eugene. Ore.

01/12/11 12:10 AM #3    

Marcie Baker (Turrin)

David, your great wit and sarcasm contributed to some hilarious times, and you are much missed.

02/02/11 11:29 PM #4    

Kelly Hakes

David was one of my first good male "just friends".  My brother and I used to hang out with him and his brother and play soccer in his back yard or playing Risk.  We always seemed to end up listening to the BeeGees lol.  So our class slogan has always made me think of him.  Oh, and I got caught in Mrs. Florence's class (Hunters Creek Elementary) passing notes with David.  Such a great guy and a really fun friend.  RIP

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