In Memory

Elizabeth (Betty) McKirahan (Geiser) VIEW PROFILE

Elizabeth (Betty) McKirahan (Geiser)

In loving memory
of our dear classmate


Elizabeth Ann Geiser
FEBRUARY 25, 1947 – MARCH 27, 2023

Elizabeth Ann Geiser, 76, born February 25, 1947, passed away on March 27, 2023. She is survived by two children Kevin Geiser and Ashley McRorie, and four grandchildren.

The world lost a truly special women with mom’s passing this week. Betty “Boop” Geiser was always the social butterfly wanting to party, entertain, celebrate and recognize joyous times in everyone else’s lives. I cannot think of a time where mom missed a birthday, anniversary, holiday and any significant date in the lives of the people she loved. Mom always wanted others to feel special, recognized and loved. If you were a recipient of letters over the last couple of years, you know exactly what I mean. Mom was the busy bee who never wanted to sit still. She could be heading out on the bus to the casino, traveling across town for family member sporting events, planning the next holiday party or trolling the radio stations to win all those prizes. Mom never lost her caring heart with the desire to know other people and find ways to brighten their day. You might receive a call, a text, a colored picture, a clipped article with special meaning, a handwritten note or even a schedule of events with the invitation to join her at any time. Mom loved and cherished every moment with her family, and I still cannot comprehend how she kept names and dates straight as the family continued to grow. As mom transitioned in life these past couple of years, she continued to expand her reach and touch lives in all the facilities she lived. Mom stayed true to who she was, not only participating in every possible activity, but leading the way by always being first to the “party.”

It has been a great honor and privilege for me personally to stay so connected to mom over the last several years. Even with her pain and ailments, she always kept pushing forward and looking for the joy in life. With the pain and suffering now ending, I am certain the grandest party mom could ever plan is already underway in Heaven. Mom has now been reunited with my dad so they can two step into eternity together. Thank you to all the friends and family that loved mom and made her feel so special over the recent years. I hope you know how much she loved and adored you all.

Until we meet again, I love you mom.

Join us in a Celebration of Life to honor Allen Clark Geiser and Elizabeth Ann "Betty" Geiser on May 13th, 2023, at the Grangerland Community Center, 15636 F.M. 3083, Grangerland, Texas, 77302, from 12:00 pm to 4:00 pm. Come and go as you please, but please RSVP by texting or calling Kevin Geiser at (832) 995-9997.

Click here to see Elizabeth (Betty)'s last Profile entry.
