Doug Freese

Profile Updated: January 9, 2009
Residing In: SouthShore, SD
Spouse/Partner: Michele
Occupation: Manager
Children: Jenna : 15 going on 30
Caitlin:13 going on 30.5
Yes! Attending Reunion

Hi all...well, having been the last one in the state of SD to get hooked up with High Speed, Wireless, finally got registered with the '89 website. Absolutely every one of my high school dreams have come true since Graduation Day, I've been a Rock Star, Porn Star, and an Astronaught....ok maybe not an Astronaught...Has it reallly been 20 years ? Man time flies. Like the rest of you , I'm older, not necessarily any wiser, been happily married to my Bride, Michele for 17 years, two daughters, 10 acres, some livestock to keep us entertained, and well, you know all the other fun stuff that comes with being 38: baldness, prostate exams, and taxes. Been employed with Benchmark Foam ( yeah the one that burnt to the ground on December 6th, 2008) for 16 years, we are in the rebuilding process, exciting, but I sure wish they made Prozac in extra large doses...Ok I'm new here, but who in the hell uses up 8000 characters in this comment box, I've been rambling for 30 minutes and I'm just now reaching 1000 characters used. Some of you accountants out there will go back and count I just know to you soon.
