In Memory

Eugene Buller

Eugene Buller

Eugene Michael Buller, 18 died Saturday night February 8, 1964, from injuries received in a car train accident at Medora. Born Aug. 17, 1945 at Inman, he had been an Inman resident all his life.

Member: McPherson National Guard.

Survivors: Parents, Mr. and Mrs. George Buller; brothers, Larry, Hutchinson; Steven, of the home; Grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. John H. Buller, Inman; Mr. and Mrs. A.K. Thiessen, Inman.

Funeral: 2 p.m. Tuesday at the Inman Mennonite Church, Revs. Roger Siebert and Allen Kolmer. Burial: North Inman cemetery.


Buller First Reno County Fatality

Eugene Michael Buller, 18 year old Inman youth who died in Grace Hospital 9:30 p.m. Saturday four and a half hours after the car he was driving crashed into a freight train at the K61 crossing in Medora, became Reno County's first traffic fatality of 1964.

His brother, Steven, 14, and another passenger in the vehicle, 15 year old John Courtney son of Mrs. Eileen Courtney of Phoeniz, Ariz., were both taken to Hutchinson hospitals. Hospital authorities Sunday said both boys show some improvement but are still considered critical.

Born Aug. 17, 1945 at Inman, Eugene Buller had been a life-long resident of the Inman community. He had recently served six months' active duty in the Army.

The Hutchinson News Monday, February 10, 1964
