Alicia White Lawrence

Profile Updated: January 10, 2009
Residing In: Washington, DC USA
Spouse/Partner: Al Lawrence
Occupation: QA Test Project Manager for Verizon Business
Children: Jaden Cross Lawrence - 7
Casen Benjamin Lawrence - 3
Maden Austin Lawrence - 2
Yes! Attending Reunion
Attending Reunion


Where have you lived?

Currently we are living in Maryland right outside of DC. We've also lived in Colorado Springs, CO since leaving Jacksonville, AR.

How old do you feel?

I don't feel older, just wiser...

Where were you born?

Killeen, TX


Life has been great, every experience, good and bad, has made me a stronger and better person. I have amazing children, a great husband, and a wonderful family. I couldn't ask for anything more (unless someone wants to write me a check for a few million dollars! Lol.) I feel very blessed, and I hope all of my friends from high school are doing great!

When was the last time you had a good belly laugh?

With three kids and the friends that I have, and if you know me at all, then you know I probably had a good belly laugh a few minutes ago.

Ever laughed so hard beverage came out of your nose?


When was the last time you went skinny dipping?


Last time you were back in Jacksonville?

Christmas vacation