In Memory

Claude Hakim

Date Deceased: O8-28-2023 Age at Death: 81 Classmate City: Sydney Australia Classmate State: Australian Capital Territory Classmate Country: Australia Survived By: Wife Rosalind, sons JeanMarc and Daniel

Message posted by David Davis. Claude was born in Egypt and emigrated to South Africa when he was a youth. He was fluent in English and French. He was a great rugby player for Athlone boys. He finished Medical School and went on to specialize in ObGyn. He trained at Hammersmith London, and was in practice in Johannesburg before emigrating to Sydney.He had a very successful career and was the ObGyn for almost every French speaking person in the city. He was one of the kindest and most loved person that I ever knew. I never heard him ever say a bad word about anyone. He passed away tragically after a difficult illness. He will be sadly missed by all of us who knew him.