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Forum: Sports



Created on: 12/02/09 08:39 PM Views: 2620 Replies: 2
Posted Wednesday, December 2, 2009 03:39 PM

Do you think the Chiefs are moving the right direction?

RE: Chiefs
Posted Wednesday, December 2, 2009 04:40 PM

I think it is going to take 2 years to turn this train wreck around. Carl left a mess behind.

RE: Chiefs
Posted Thursday, December 10, 2009 06:37 AM

Bottom Line, you have to be able to block and run the ball on offense and put pressure on the other teams QB and collapse their pocket and stop the run. The Chiefs are very questionable on "O" LINE and that is why so many 3 and outs.
Tamba Hali looks like he can play with anyone but they need a really Bad Ass Linebacker to compliment and a pair of bootends on the "D" line. If you block then a player from any draft round or a free agent can run through holes and do a good job, look at Priest Holmes from the past. Chiefs cannot pass protect long enough. Receivers are an issue too, as this team has a lot of holes to fill. Bowe to me read his press too much and then his boneheaded substance abuse! Lots of holes Stu so i agree two years to start seeing major improvements in this team. I am ready for Baseball already. The big question is will Alex Gordon ever pan out, i do not think he will ever be better than a 265-275 hitter and cannot carry the load. Butler is the real deal hitting, Greinke Pitching. Pitching is the commodity of baseball and if Crow can develop we can have two long term starters, but the Royals have many more question marks. They can't hit or field, i thin you will start to see more Asian players on the MIDWESTERN teams as they are going to start leaving Japan/Taiwan/Korea earlier than in their late 20's and 30's. Truly the worlds game in that the best all shine on teams from all cultures. Go Royals!