In Memory

Christian Hansen

Christian Hansen

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01/13/13 02:04 PM #1    

Doris Feld (Hansen)

Out of the Harbor

Into the Great Lakes

Smiling through the Great Sky

Our Son, Brother, Husband,

Father, Grandfather and Friend

Greatly beloved and

Belonging now To the Stars.


This was written by our son Peter for Chris' obituary in the newspaper.   Peter, like his father, is a wordsmith.


02/01/13 02:57 AM #2    

Deborah Behnke

I am so saddened to learn of this loss of a good friend, and my condolences to Doris.

Deb Behnke

02/15/13 09:01 PM #3    

William Antaramian

Words are difficult to come by, Doris.  Chris stood out as a great guy to me, someone I admired for his temperament and friendliness.  One of the nicest people ever.  Take care.  Hope to see you at the reunion.


Bill Antaramian

04/29/13 11:28 AM #4    

Sharon Smith (Bouwman)

Thinking of you today Doris on the anniversary of Chris's passing...You are in my thoughts and prayers...Chris was such a wonderful man!

I was given this card when my husband passed away, and it spoke to me.

"We will never be the same as we were before this loss but are Ever so much better for having had something so great to  Lose...."  

Sharon Smith Bouwman

06/28/13 09:04 PM #5    

Howard Gesbeck

Doris, I was very saddened to learn of Chris' passing.  Our condolences to you and your family.  Chris was one of the nicest guys that I knew in high school.  In fact, I knew him long before that, as we lived less that a block from each other.  We played as kids, and his dad was my junior high school English teacher.  I always enjoyed seeing both of you at high school reunions.   Best to you, Howie

04/19/14 06:08 PM #6    

Virginia McPherson (Muenchow)

Dear Doris,  As the anniversary date is coming soon, my thoughts and prayers are with you.  Both you and your husband, are such outstanding people in every way that's important. God's blessings to you and your family.       Sincerely,   Ginger

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