'73 Eagles turn 60 video



April 30, 2023:  Steve recently put our Eagles Turns 60 video on RUMBLE.  Click below:




June 29, 2015:
I'm happy happy to share an hour long video compiled by Steve Easter over a # of weeks.  It's an wonderful mix of great music,; interviews,  a tribute to our classmates who died too soon - and much more.     Before you open the link - be sure you have carved an hour of your time.   It's such a great production -  as it comes to  close, you'll wish there was more.

As noted in the 6/8 email blasted to all - the video was shown during our June 6 60th  birthday party.   This YouTube version is slightly different from that of the one shown at the party -- as Steve edited the original to include opening remarks from Sonny English (which weren't received in enough time for Steve to have edited before June 6)