Lynne Parnell's son

May 31, 2016:


Durham, N.C.- It takes a highly skilled technician with nerves of steel to serve as a Certified Explosive Technician. Durham County Deputy J. Mabe recently proved he’s the man for the job after successfully completing the Federal Bureau of Investigation’s Hazardous Devices School. The six-week course is designed to teach students explosive incident mitigation while in rigorous, stressful, and very tense situations. We want to congratulate Deputy Mabe for graduating in the top 5 percentile of his class.
Since 1971, the FBI’s Hazardous Devices School has trained and certified public safety bomb technicians nationwide to render safe hazardous devices. The school, commonly known as the National Academy of Bomb Technicians, has prepared more than 20,000 state and local first responders. Deputy Mabe joins a team of trained personnel capable of combatting crimes involving hazardous devices, terrorist bombing campaigns, or the use of weapons of mass destruction.
Deputy Mabe is a member of the Durham County Sheriff’s Office Hazardous Devices Unit (HDU). The Sheriff’s Office HDU is an eight-member accredited by the Federal Bureau of Investigations. It’s one of only 14 squads in North Carolina that support specific regions of the state. Deputy Mabe joined the Sheriff’s Office in July 2008 and has been a member of the Hazardous Devices Unit since March 2013. Way to go, Deputy Mabe! You’re the bomb, indeed! Thank you for representing the Sheriff’s Office’s Creed: honor, duty, and service

