Herbert Walters VIEW PROFILE


September 22, 1955 - February 2, 1996

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03/26/09 02:50 AM #1    

Rondy Scippio

Herb was one of those guys who you could count on to have your back. He was there in the right way always.

04/08/09 04:35 PM #2    

Vernon (Sonny) English

Man, I miss the band "HUMAN BLOOD" from back in the day. With Herb and Applejack, they were a strong force on the local R&B/funk music scene. Ironically enough, they were just as popular locally as "the other local band" from Greensboro's A&T...LTD (featuring a drummer/singer named Jeffrey Osborne!).I agree with Scipp, Herb was cool and definitely no fool. He had skills, brains, and heart. And stuck by his friends! Rest in Peace, my brother! To paraphrase on of your old tunes.."the love is on ya!".

04/22/09 09:14 PM #3    

Clyde Gray

There seems to be a near unanimous consensus that Herbert was the coolest dude you'd ever want to meet. He was the absolute sharpest dresser and just a truly great guy to know. What a loss.

09/23/11 08:59 AM #4    

Christopher Hammonds

 So many of these classmates I grew up with at Castle Heights, Carver Consolidated School and all the way through at East. Herbert and Robert (Applejack) were two of the coolest and nicest dudes.  Herb was the strong silent type who was cool at everything he did.  We played basketball together at East. My brother played keyboards for Human Blood and I had the opportunity to travel with them to gigs.  He is missed.

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