So many were saddened by Sonny's sudden death 7/30/2008.    I had not seen him in years, but had the opportunity to speak with him over the phone on a few occasions in late 2007.   He would always leave me laughing.



Harold Gray "Sonny" Swain, Jr., 54, of Germanton, passed away unexpectedly July 30, 2008 at his home. He leaves behind his loving wife of 27 years, Denise Willis Swain; children, Gray, III, Samantha, Candace, and Jonas Swain; grandchildren, Caleb and Izzabella. A memorial service will be conducted at 2 p.m., Saturday, August 2, at Linville Forest Church of Christ, 450 Linville Rd., Kernersville. The family will receive friends from 1-2 p.m., prior to the service. In lieu of flowers, memorials may be made to Denise Swain, 7860 Misty Mountain Rd., Germanton, NC 27019. Hail to the Redskins!


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03/30/09 10:55 AM #1    

Alan Hutchens

How sad! This is the first which I've heard about Sonny's passing. I remember him most from PE class. This guy had so much potential and so much to offer! I hope that he realized his potential. I shall treasure his memory.

04/19/09 02:05 PM #2    

Rhonda Davis (Crews)

Gosh I remember Sonny.....he ask me for a date so I said yes. He picked me up in an old black truck. Really ugly! I was so afraid that someone was going to see me in that truck. We went back to his house (of course parents not at home). Come on now, you that knew me, knew I was a good girl. His room walls was lined with street signs. He was so crazy. I still have a cameo ring he gave me, really pretty. We didn't date long. I really can't remember a lot about it. Sometimes I have memories of the past. That was the good carefree days.

04/20/09 09:55 PM #3    

Teresa Fair (Todd)

I can't believe Sonny has passed. I haven't seen him since 10th grade. Me, Sonny & Leeann lived close by to each other up until 2nd grade when we moved to K-Ville.
Leeann was my best friend back then. I remember one time Sonny wanted to play with us and we wouldn't let him and he ate a bunch of earth worms and got very sick. We were all 3 very close at that time. Leeann & I used to fight with him alot. I wish I could have seen him again after we grew up. My condolesces goes out to his family.

05/03/09 01:18 PM #4    

Diane Lawson (Tuttle)

Sonny was in my Anatomy class and you can just imagine having someone crazy like that around while disecting. He made everyday much more interesting. I found out about Sonny's sudden passing thru a friend. Later on my middle son was talking about this guy he had met and his brother and sister, come to find out this was Sonny's kids. I'm sure he is missed by all that knew him.

05/22/09 02:26 PM #5    

Michael Cheek

I was on my way of Lowes one day picking up some material when all of a sudden I heard this voice say, where the He** do you think you're going. We stepped outside & talked for about a hour. School, people, work, etc. Later that week, Sonny called & invited me & my family to a barbecue. We met Sonny's family & had a great time talking about the good ole days.. About six weeks later found out Sonny had passed.
Sonny, you will be truly missed as a person & a friend.
Here's to a guy that stayed the same, wild & crazy, that lived life to the fullest.

06/04/09 08:39 AM #6    

Joe Franklin

What a guy. Devoute Redskins fan and the only person that ever drove a dump truck to school. Sonny was one of a kind and a good friend throughout school.

01/08/10 07:11 PM #7    

Jack Everett

I really feel behind the times, this is the first I've heard of Sonny's passing. Sonny and I did a lot of crazy things back in the infamous "Walkertown Corner" days. He had to be one of the craziest and most popular and funny guys I've ever known. Everone knew Sonny, and most everyone will miss him, me included. Jack

01/30/10 03:53 PM #8    

Lee Swain (LaVallee)

Sonny..truly one of a kind:) He did always like to have a good time and even though at times he drove me to distraction growing up (the feeling I am sure was likewise). I remember one time he had this new squirt gun, and EVERYBODY knew about it. It was so powerful, he shot my friends doll out of a tree-about 10 feet up. He would squirt/surprise me until I was delirious. Finally, off I would dart after him to get even and one time he escaped into the bathroom to hide behind locked doors-or so he thought. I peeped in the key hole to see his eye staring back for only a flash of a second...and then got a big shot right in the eye thru the peep hole!! I was so furious I kicked and kicked until I broke the lock splintering right out of the door. There inside a corner he crouched with his hands over his head-expecting some mad flailing:) I got so tickled. We were so worried about the broken door and nailed it back as our mother said our dad had best not come home and find it broken. Sonny loved experimenting and creative things-always tinkering. He was a very talented artist too, which most did not know. He is missed and may be gone from the physical body but he is alive laughing in spirit and in my heart.

02/14/13 02:49 PM #9    

Felix Smith

Happy Birthday Sonny. I miss having you pop in to see me at work. I would drop anything I was doing and sit with you reminiscing old times and catching up. You were a good friend. Memories of you still put a smile on my face. See you later pal.

06/25/13 08:42 PM #10    

Gail Kirkman (Beeson)

I did not know Sonny had passed til today when I read of his wife... My deepest sympathy to his family and friends. We had some fun times in Walkertown.

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