Trudy West

Trudy West

May 24, 1955 - March 21, 1987
Trudy Rebecca West Hudson

Trudy died suddenly in 1987 from a heart attack.  At the time of her death, she was married to David Hudson.  Trudy has one son, Wesley Smith, from an earlier marriage.  Wesley lives in the Wallburg area

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01/30/10 04:06 PM #1    

Lee Swain (LaVallee)

Trudy was a really fun friend way back in middle school. She was just hilarious. I remember one time she arrived in our Home Ec class with one of her eyes really swollen- swollen shut-in fact. I said Trudy-what on earth happened to your eye? She said she was embarrassd to say... she had squished her eye lid rather than her eye lashes, when she was trying to curl her eyelashes, which were always perfectly curled almost back over her forehead-ha! Well, we just howled until we cried! I am not sure but it seems she passed away when she was around 30 or 32 years of age. What a charachter!

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