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The yearly cost for maintaining this Class site is $150.00. Please mail your donation made to Karla Roberts, send to 531 Aldeborough Ln., Charlotte, NC 28270. Thanks!!!

Welcome to the East Forsyth High

Class Of 1976


         Thanks so much to fellow Eagle, Mitch Stiles for his donation to sponsor our class website for 2021!


Please keep in your prayers all of our

classmates and their families that have lost loved ones to COVID-19.  It seems that every month since March 2020, someone shared news of another classmate or their loved ones lost to this terrible disease.  Remember to check our Facebook Group:  East Forsyth Class of 76 Reunion page to see updates that are posted by our group.  Thanks to Jean Perry for helping me keep this site updated as well.  Love to all of our fellow Eagles!















"Prayers & Good Thoughts Needed" Page added to our site..

Especially during this time of COVID-19 and all the uncertainty it brings to our lives,

we want to show our love and support for any of our classmates that might need it.

Please list any classmates that may need to stay in our thoughts and prayers on this

page now found in the left menu of this site, as we continue to pray for our classmate,

Michael A. McIntyre in his fight with COVID- 19...



Kara Owens (Rich)  9/21
Vickie Myers  9/23
Mark Stewart  10/7
Roger Daniel Crouse  10/13
Joseph King  10/15
Mikeal Parsons  10/17
