Bethany Lemond Sell

Profile Updated: July 18, 2008
Residing In: Crowley, TX USA
Spouse/Partner: Jonathan
Occupation: Insurance Sales/Service
Children: None and probably never going to have any.
Yes! Attending Reunion

I married Jonathan Sell in January of 2005. We built a house on an acre southwest of Fort Worth in Crowley, TX. I work for a State Farm Insurance agent and plan on becoming an agent myself in the next 3-5 years. I graduated from The Univesity of North Texas with a BA in English Lit. My husband Jonathan works for Lockheed Martin and we have 2 dogs, Nash and Finn. I am a HUGE Dallas Stars fan, borderline obsessed, and I attend as many games as I can, usually about 10-12 per year. I will not be attending the Reunion, I already had a trip planned. Jonathan and I are going to Lollapalooza in Chicago to see Radiohead, Nine Inch Nails and Rage against the Machine. I am most excited about Radiohead. SO, wish I could be there, I would love to see you all, maybe in another 5 or 10 years.

School Story:

Katie and the Rabbit, Hastings with Sarah and Bekah, I loved every Friday night football game, and I loved my stint as the 1st Tivy High School Golf Team Manager, I was darn good at it too.(really, just wanted to miss school a lot.)