In Memory

Blverno Massenburg

Survived by mother, father, and brother

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05/01/09 02:38 PM #1    

Stuart Powell (Stuart Powell)

Blverno was a great friend--a very funny person who could bring a smile to anyone's face within minutes. We basically knew one another since pre school. I especially remember when we were at LCC in the auditorium. His MS had long kicked in by then, but he never let it get his personality. He used it to his advantage. On one particular day, he was sitting in the same row as I and whipped out a big cigar. He had a lighter, and was trying to light the thing in class. I was trying like mad to ignore him, because the entire thing was funny. Out of the corner of my ear I hear the sound of a flicking lighter, many desperate attempts to puff and get the thing lit. He managed to get a piece burning, and the odor drifted over to me...I was in tears laughing so hard! He leaned over, hands shaking from MS and reached out with the cigar as if to offer it to me, "Hey Stuart--Stuart! Help me light this..." That was the Blverno I'd like to remember. RIP buddy, I miss you.

06/28/09 02:06 PM #2    

Kelvin Gooding

This was news to me I often thought of this guy wondering what he was doing he was an still is a great inspiration to me because when I first met him he had no ms symptoms and as the years past it started progressing but no matter what he kept going. It was graduating when I last saw my friend go across the stage we thought he would not make it but as we know the heart of a lion can't be stopped. I tell my kids about this brother in hopes that they will to never give up and live everyday as your last but have fun and toch a life as you go. Bel we miss you and thanks for touching our lifes. Class of 90 for ever

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