In Memory

Kosygin Grady

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03/20/09 10:54 AM #1    

Sheretta Headen

One of my most fondest memories of Kosygin was when he was the drum major of the marching band and he got up one Friday night at a game and literally "made up" a drum salute on the spot! All you saw were arms flying everywhere! It was hilarious! I'll NEVER forget how in college, he got a job driving a school bus and drove the school bus on campus to pick everyone up and drop them off at a party. Needless to say, he got pulled over by the police because there was no reason for a school bus to be out late on a Friday night. LOL Never a dull moment around Kosygin!

03/21/09 04:22 PM #2    

Michelle Hardy (Gooding)

I still think about Kosygin often. He was a wonder to be around.

03/31/09 11:52 PM #3    

Valerie Pemberton (Cannon)

I also think of Kosygin from time to time, His mother is my pastor. He was a wonderful person to know.

06/28/09 01:52 PM #4    

Kelvin Gooding

When I think of ko it goes back to lewis elementary when I first encountered this brother he was smart and funny at the same time I spent time at his home after schoolriding bikes and doing crazy things that young boys do. I think of him and wonder not only about him but all that have grown up with us, and had to leave so soon. To the parents you had a special son he will be forever missed.

09/22/09 08:25 AM #5    

Quinton Anderson

Camp Kinston, that's all I have to say! RIP!

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