Maxine Bubar Crouch

Profile Updated: August 20, 2014
Residing In: Shapleigh, ME USA
Spouse/Partner: John
Occupation: Office Manager for Acton Congregational Church
Children: Kelly, born 1965; Stephen, born 1966, (deceased 2010);
grandchildren, Brenda, James, Kaitlyn, Lindsay, More…and Mallory
Yes! Attending Reunion
Attending Reunion (10/04/14)



I lived in Exeter and Hampton after graduation, then moved to Eliot around 1972. My children graduated from Marshwood High School. I remarried in 1983 and moved to Springvale. Began college at USM in 1981, graduated with a self-designed degree in Art Therapy, graduated Vermont College in 1986 with a Master's in Art Therapy. I worked in the mental health field. John, (a retired teacher,) and I now live in Shapleigh and are both working part time in low stress jobs.
Will miss being at the reunion, but we are going to be in Mexico visiting my cousin who is an ex-patriot in San Miguel de Allende. Hopefully, it won't be so long in between reunions!

School Story:

I remember the beach parties at Sea Point Beach; football games, basketball games, and loving to dance at the Sock Hops. (Did we call them that back then?)