In Memory


Greg McCrone

Passed away 2/3/2012 of natural causes, Palm Springs, CA

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10/13/12 11:00 PM #1    

Jim Andrea

I think this is the last time I can look at the in memory profiles section. Greg and I went to school so many years together. I will always remember the good times we shared together!.. Love you forever brother. Jim Andrea.

03/11/13 01:05 PM #2    

Lou Melillo

Gregs passing was quite a shock. Greg was my  brother. Too many stories and adventures to talk about. I did speak at Gregs service in the Desert. Saw Ross Mudgeway for a brief moment out there. It was nice Ross made the trip. There were so many people who attended this service Greg would have been quite surprised how many people really appreciated the great person Greg was. Even had the Bag pipes playing. Knowing Greg for  fifty years, Greg was my best life long friend. We worked togeather over the years and played over the years. Many Vegas trips. Cant really get into that stuff. Not sure what the statute of limititations is in Vegas. Paul Marion also a La Cananda life long buddy has aquired Gregs old pad on Cat City Golf resort. Greg would be happy to know this went to a great friend. Rest in peace old buddy. You are in our thoughts every day. May God bless you. See you again in the greatest place not on Earth. Love always,

Lou and Julie  

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