Cheryl Baker Morgan

Profile Updated: January 8, 2010
Residing In: Eugene, OR USA
Spouse/Partner: Charlie
Children: Michael, age 30
Occupation: Reading Tutor

A few days ago, I wrote a long essay of my journeys in 2009, but unfortunately it got erased...So this is the shortened version.
This has been one of the best years of my life and esp. one of the best holidays too. I am so blessed with such a loving, caring, peaceful family. We just always have such fun together whether we are in the house all day (avoiding the rain) playing Scrabble, watching movies, fixing a new recipe in my new Crock Pot, looking at photos, reading, etc., or going on a hike or a long trip.
This year we went on three spectacular trips... a Corvair Caravan to Cours de L'Aine, Idaho, a trip to Vancouver Island to see cousins and the Bouchart Gardens, and my best International Bud I've known for 50 years in Vancouver, B.C. and her family. Then our trip to La Canada was quite a lark and we enjoyed it so much. Everything about it was fantastic. I'd like to do the SAME thing in 5 years.
I've been busy with Partying with friends, Church activities, Volunteer Work, and visiting that Golden Generation at Retirement homes which is fading away fast.
I love to throw a tea party for the neighborhood or close friends or go out to eat. That is quite a delight for me and I am always celebrating someone's birthday or a Golden Oldie who needs attention! I'm involved with 2 churches...I worship at Westminster Presbyterian and have a Bible Study at Emerald Bible Fellowship and I partake of almost all activities at both churches. I am VERY close to my friends at both churches.....They are my life! I Volunteer in the program, SMART Reading, which is exclusive to Oregon. I have a 2nd Grade boy and a 1st Grade girl who has Down Syndrome. They are such fun to read too and they are both good readers too! They get to take 2 books home per month which is such a delight for them. Then I am in an International Group of Christian Women who befriend ladies from all over the world. We begin with lots of hugs and joy to be with each other and do lots of fun things together.
Now for Charlie...He is a retired USAF Electrical Engineer who worked on Star Wars and designed GPS. I always think it is interesting that his name is written in the heavens in some satellite. He keeps the cars and house running and has a 1965 garnet red show car he likes to take to Corvair conventions, plus he keeps up 3 yards to a T. We have so much fun in the Corvair Car Club.
Michael, our only son is now 30 and has worked 10 years at UPS and Harry and David for the Holidays. He's still in his Senior year at the University of Oregon. He is girlshy but has finally found a special girl, April who he feels very close to.
So that about wraps it up for our family....We'll see what adventures bestow us in 2010. Love, Cheryl
P.S. Next week Michael and I will meet with Sandy Silverthorne for him to talk about career choices with Sandy and I want to show him my 40th Reunion Scrap Book! Won't that be fun!?!

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