In Memory

Marc Blain

Marc Blain

Marc Blain

September 27, 1959 - July 15, 2017

Super tall and super smart, Marc Blain was enthusiastic about many things in life, while Marc’s particular passions included politics (an ardent and vocal liberal), gardening (vegetables — not flowers), and good design of almost anything (his most damning critique: “a poor design”). An electrical engineer from University of Wisconsin - Madison, Marc worked for Tandem Computers in Cupertino for 17 years and briefly for Sun Microsystems and Brocade. Later in life, Marc was actively involved in his local investment clubs. Marc-André Blain was born September 27, 1959 in Cornwall, Ontario, Canada and died unexpectedly of a heart attack in Boise, Idaho on July 15, 2017.

Marc was a “good guy” — always willing to pitch in and help his friends and neighbors, whether it was moving furniture or fixing stuff around the house. He loved the Fourth of July parade building parties in his former Montevideo neighborhood in San Jose, and he also loved barbecuing and running the neighborhood swim team and high school football team concession stands

Marc cared deeply about his children, Nick and Vivian. One of four brothers, Marc regularly enjoyed debating investment strategies and politics with his siblings in Texas.

In addition to his children and Cindy, their mom, Marc is survived by his brothers, Serge, Chuck, and Phil Blain, his godmother and aunt Carmen Blondeau Ayotte, his aunt Irène Blondeau as well as many more French-Canadian cousins and relatives near Ottawa and Montréal.
