Kelly Courson

Profile Updated: June 26, 2009
Residing In: Glendale, NY USA
Occupation: office drone by day, freelance writer by night
Children: thank you.
Yes! Attending Reunion

Immediately after high school I took off with a backpack to Europe for 3 months. Later I was able to go to Australia for one month.

Tried college at PCC, but due to my health and finances didn't finish what I started. Remember Walrus & The Carpenter in Lake Grove? I worked there for about 3 years. Then ended up as a nanny for one of the Schnitzers.

I moved to NYC to be a live in nanny in order to pay off my student loans/debt. Interviewed with Katie Couric at NBC. Ended up with one of Donald Trump's lawyers (pscyho family) but it paid the bills and jump started my NYC adventure. Did you see the movie The Nanny Diaries? Every bit of it is true- except I didn't hook up with the Yaley guy upstairs :)

Took a real job finally at Tweedy, Browne Co. nine years ago. I just liked the feel of the place and didn't know a thing about value investing. It didn't take long to figure out what a great job I had landed since my bosses are like the rock stars of value investing and finance interns are dying to get into this place. Yes, the flakey girl with a million jobs finally settled down!

Found out around 26 that my ill health was due to celiac disease. I started a gluten-free diet and like magic I felt healthy! Started a blog ( I know this part sounds really corny) as a celiac resource 5 years ago and have been featured now in the NY Times, The Washington Post, The Oregonian, Newsweek, etc. I now host an annual fundraiser for the Columbia University Celiac Disease Center each Spring through the Paul Taylor Dance Company. If anyone is heading to NYC in March 2009 please join us!

Did you know that celiac disease affects 1 out of 100 people and only 3% are diagnosed? How many people were in our class? 1 out of 7 people are gluten sensitive. The symptoms can totally affect your quality of life, and the treatment is simply a gluten-free diet!

Looking forward to seeing everyone and catching up!

School Story:

Wish I could make the reunion, but it doesn't look like it is going to happen. If anyone ever comes out to NYC, please, let's meet for coffee and catch up!

Stories? I think mine are all pretty boring. Oh, but remember the faculty love triangle scandal?

And my grandma's 1970-something Malibu Capri the size of a boat?

Leaving notes in the door handle niches of Tanya Kazmeirski's Gremlin. Loved that.

T-Shirt Size:

If it is the baby doll style, then I'm normally medium according to American Apparel sizing. ?

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Posted: Dec 17, 2013 at 12:12 AM
Me and my latest boyfriend, Gavin. Does this officially make me a "Cougar"? (Just had to try and keep up with all of the other cute baby photos people have posted!) And no, he's not my baby.
Posted: Dec 17, 2013 at 12:12 AM
I don't know why I found this so funny. I think the Oregonian in me was just happy to see this bumper sticker on the east coast.
