In Memory

Tara Campbell

Tara Campbell

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09/05/21 08:16 AM #1    

Jim Burnett

   I just found this page or would have written sooner.  My deepest condolences to Tara's family, although a bit late.  My story of Tara is, great wonderful person with a sweet resolve.  If it wasn't for Tara i probably would not have graduated from John I, I absolutely hated English class (Hated the laborious papers) So Tara did my final research paper that was due for me to graduate.  So i am still thankful for her work on my paper to get me a Diploma to this day, 30 Years later.  May you be having a ball up in Heaven right now, not worrying about anyones school work haha!  But it is something that I have remembered and been thankful for all these years...

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