In Memory

Ted Ballard

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05/05/12 06:50 PM #1    

Barbara Misuraca (Hyland)

Ted your were one of the sweetest ones.............I remember your love and style all your own..So sorrry to loose you.............




from 8th grade

10/10/12 06:10 PM #2    

Jon Keppel

Bal,  You were such a dear friend from third grade on thru High School and Humboldt State, traveling to Hawaii for the summer and that summer we hitchhiked to Boston.  It's a rare day that passes that I don't think of, and miss you terribly and until we me again my friend, I love you.  Kep

05/09/16 01:42 PM #3    

Ric Fink

Ted, I'm so sorry to come across this update. You were a warm and good friend. I really do appreciate when later in life you came by and helped my mother around the water side of your home of the lagoon. You were a loving, nice guy. I wish I had been more in touch with you even later in life.

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