In Memory

Charles Carroll

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07/16/14 07:47 PM #1    

Mark Pearce

There are a lot of people on the memorial list that deserve a kind word. So let this comment apply to them all. As I look back, I remeber Charles beating me for the chess championship of Neil Cummings elementary school.   He was so excited.   I truly hope he fouind his way in the world andfound as much  happiness he had that day. I hope that for all the rest who touched my life.  Charles was a different person who walked a different path than I did. I hope you and all the others found as much satisfaction as I did.  I remeber you Charles nad appreciate your life.

07/18/14 01:49 PM #2    

Diana Alexander (Trimberger)

Thank you Mark Pearce for the lovely words concerning Charles Carroll.  I believe he was someone I hung out with at Neil Cummmins Elementary School also.  Yes, then he was a different young man, kind of a loaner.  Thanks again.  Diana Trimberger (Alexander)

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