In Memory

Tim Murray

Information kindly provided by Tony Pierce 6/18/13:

Date Deceased: nov-27-2012

Classmate City: Hot Springs
Classmate State: SD

Was a Veteran: Yes Navy
Survived By: Sharron Murray - wife

Tim served in the United States Navy Submarine Division Active Duty from 1963 until 1965 and transferred to Naval Reserve. Upon discharge from the service, Tim went into law enforcement. During his 29 years in law enforcement, he worked for the Federal Bureau of Investigation, San Francisco State Police Department and Broadmoor Police Department. Tim retired from the profession he truly loved in July of 1993, after an accident left him disabled. He and his wife, Sharon came to Hot Springs from the San Francisco Bay Area in 1994, and opened a handicap accessible campground in the valley of the Seven Sisters Mountain Range. He worked part-time for Southern Hills Alcohol and Drug in Hot Springs as a chemical dependency counselor until his retirement in 2008
