In Memory

Arthur Jenkinson

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07/18/14 05:06 AM #1    

Helle Jacobsen

Art Jenkinson was a gentle soul.  He served in the Green Berets in Vietnam.   Shortly after he returned from the war, I ran into him.  One day he showed me some medals he had received.  They were in a suitcase under his bed at his dad's home.  He felt he couldn't be proud of them.  A couple of years after returning from that war, he committed suicide.  RIP

07/18/14 10:36 AM #2    

Ki (Pam) Longfellow

Short and sad.  I didn't know Arthur, but in these few brief words I caught something of his life.  And something terrible and true about young men marching off to war.

07/20/14 11:51 AM #3    

Steven Stocker

Being a veteran in those days was not popular.  Wearing a uniform in public was risky.  The Veterans Administration was not equipped to handle veteran's needs.  Going to the VA for help would not be a good experience.  It saddens me to think that Arthur Jenkinson, an honorable veteran serving his country, could have been helped.  Arthur Jenkinson I remember you and I salute you for your service.

01/04/15 12:14 AM #4    

Kirk Warnock

Steven Stocker: Well said.

01/05/15 11:57 PM #5    

Helle Jacobsen

Aside from all the politics around the Vietnam war, Arthur was also struggling with serious troubles from his childhood.  He did not come home to a sufficiently supportive family.  He had a good heart, but was in a lot of pain for many years


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